32 Gedanken zu „Curious Cardinal

            1. Einerseits ja, andererseits ist das Nachfuehren dann nicht so leicht. Diese Piepmaetze schwirren so schnell hin und her. Da komme ich aus der freien Hand besser mit. Auch wenn da nach ein paar Minuten der Bizeps streikt, bei dem Gewicht von Kamera plus Objektiv. 😉


    1. I wish I had a „longer“ tele lens. For this picture, I used all the 4000mm mt tele-zoom can do, and the bird still was rather small in the picture. But still, it looks good.

      Gefällt 1 Person

  1. Nice photo! I love to see photos of cardinals because I will probably never see a live one. We don’t have them here on Vancouver Island, but they are such pretty birds. Maybe someday I’ll see the real thing. I can always hope.

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. We have quite a few of them around. This one looked like it was building a nest. Mary saw something looking like a nest in our Vitex, and I saw this one picking up a grass leaf and flying into the Vitex with it.
      I need to sit outside on the porch or on the lawn more often, with my camera.

      Gefällt 1 Person

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