LBJ Ranch Panorama

When we were at the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, the former LBJ Ranch, last Saturday to watch „Support Your Local Sheriff“ in their series „Movies under the Stars“ [more here in my other blog „Pit’s Fritztown News“], I took quite a few pictures, and without my doing my smartphone – or Google Photos, rather – created a panorama:

LBJ Ranch Panorama

Als wir am vergangenen Samstag im Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, der früheren LBJ Ranch, waren, um den Spielfilm „Auch ein Sheriff braucht mal Hilfe“ – in der Reihe „Movies under the Stars“ [mehr dazu in meinem anderen Blog „Pit’s Fritztown Newshier] anzusehen, habe ich eine ganze Reihe von Bildern gemacht, und meine Kamera – genauer gesagt, Google Photos – hat daraus ein Panoramabild gemacht:

lbj ranch
Evening at the LBJ Ranch – Panorama

14 Gedanken zu „LBJ Ranch Panorama

        1. I don’t know if I would call it an App, actually. It’s Google Photos and it comes with any Google account, I suppose. It was pre-installed on my cellphone and does these things automatically once in a while.

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