Cactus with Subtenants

Kaktus mit Untermietern

cactus blossom w/ beetles crawling around in it
Cactus w/ Subtenants

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20 Gedanken zu „Cactus with Subtenants

    1. And, thank goodness, this one doesn’t chew plants off at the roots. It feeds on pollen, and acts as a pollinator; its name is Euphoria kernii. From what I can tell, Annelli’s is Polyphylla decemlineata, and it’s not found here.

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        1. One of the distinguishing marks of flower beetles is their antennae. They’re sort of club-like. See the one that’s clearest on yours, with those three little ‚thingies‘ on the end? If you see antennae like that, ‚flower beetle‘ is a good place to start identifying.

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    1. Ich hatte gehofft, liebe Nati, dass mir einer meiner Leser hier helfen wuerde, und die Hoffnung hat nicht getrogen. Dank Linda [„shoreacres“] weiss ich nun, dass es sich um einen „Kerns flower scarab“ handelt.

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  1. The photo is great, but I don’t like those beetles. We get similar ones here (the ten-striped June beetles) and in the grub stage they eat any root crops. My potatoes are ruined sometimes. Also they are creepy when they fly around at dusk and land on my back where I can’t reach to get them off. Or in my hair! They seem to be everywhere at dusk on those very hot days. But the cactus flower is very pretty (until they eat it)!

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